Created in 2009 by several crafty gals, the Holiday Crafterino continues to offer Sonoma County an unparalleled collection of hand made goods and wares, all while supporting local homeless provider Committee on the Shelterless.
The Holiday Crafterino is held annually at the Petaluma Veteran's Memorial Building and brings together more than 50 artisans who will be selling everything from spices, art prints, jewelry and bath products to clothing, ceramics and more. The first 100 attendees receive a fabulous and reusable silk-screened gift bag stuffed with goodies from local artists and businesses. Shoppers also have a chance to win one of Crafterino's hourly raffle baskets, which are chock full of local treasures and services.
All entry fee and raffle ticket proceeds go directly to COTS, the local homeless service provider in Petaluma. COTS offers help and hope to the homeless population by providing safe shelter and housing, teaching financial literacy, case management, positive parenting classes, work-force preparedness, and helping people get back under a roof of their own. Additionally, COTS provides 124,000 hot meals and over 750,000 pounds of food delivered to those most in need within our community annually.
The Holiday Crafterino is organized by a group of local artisans: Melissa Abercrombie of Blue Ribbon Salvage, Alice Kelzer of Alice Frost Studio, and Jenny Paisley of Blockhead Press. Shopping local is fun and convenient at this one stop holiday shopping experience!