We are now accepting vendor applications for the Whiskerino Crafterino! This fun show is organized by the same gals behind last year's super successful holiday show at the Hotel Petaluma. This show will be in conjunction with the popular annual Whiskerino contest at the Petaluma Farmer's Market and will held Saturday, October 9th from 11am to 5pm at Walnut Park. Here are the details:
- Each vendor space is 10' wide by 10' deep.
- Booth spaces are $50
- Yes! You may share a booth. 2 vendors maximum allowed per booth. There is no surcharge to share a booth. Fill out one application for the whole booth with info on all the vendors who will be sharing but designate one person as the main contact.
- Space does not include tent, table or chairs. If you need to rent one, we recommend Cal Rents here in Petaluma.
- Electricity is not available. If you need lights, you will need to provide your own battery powered lights.
- We are looking for man-friendly crafts and mustached themed crafts. There will be a lot of dudes at Whiskerino showing off their fine facial hair. But everyone is welcome to apply!
- Event goes on rain or shine. There will be no refunds for inclement weather.
- By applying for the show, you agree to hold harmless and indemnify the City of Petaluma, the Petaluma Farmers’ Market, Erica Burns-Gorman and the Petaluma Downtown Craft Mart from and against any and all claims or damages and any or all loss.
- Application deadline is Tuesday, August 31st at midnight. Acceptance or decline emails will be send on Saturday, September 4th, If you are not accepted, please don't take it personally! It just means we already have a vendor selling something similar. We don't want any turf wars!
- Booth fees are due with your application. Your space is not reserved until we have your payment and you have an acceptance email from us. If you are not accepted your booth fee will be refunded immediately.
- Once you have been accepted, booth fees are non-refundable.
- To apply, send an email to petalumadowntowncraftmart@gmail.com with the following info:
- Your name
- Company name
- Phone number
- California ReSeller's # (required! If you don't have one they are free and easy to get here)
- A 2 to 3 sentence description about what you make (this will be used for promotion)
- 3 photos (these will be used on our website for promotion)
- A link to your website
- Any special or unusual display set up?
- Send your $50 booth fee to us through PayPal. Our PayPal address is petalumadowntowncraftmart@gmail.com. If you don't have a PayPal account you can use a credit card through PayPal. It is safe and secure.
If you have any questions, please send us an email!
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